About Sogo Corporation

Company Name Sogo Corporation
Established January 1973
Capitalization 40,000,000 JPY
President Ataru Inamura
Area of Business Sales of Construction Machinery
Registered Authorized Secondhand Merchant (No.307717402240)
Main Office Room No.202, Fujiso Bldg., 1-13-4, Eitai, Koto-ku, Tokyo, 135-0034,Japan
[ MAP ][ GoogleMap ]
TEL +81-3-3643-3011¡¡FAX +81-3-3643-9922
Auction Site Narita 688-16, Okiwatashi, Sammu-shi, Chiba-ken, 289-1225, Japan
[ MAP ][ GoogleMap ]
TEL +81-475-89-3882¡¡FAX +81-475-89-3883
Auction Site Hakata 2-25 Minato-kashii, Higashi-ku, Fukuokak, 813-0019, Japan (FUKUOKA ISLAND-CITY)
[ MAP ][ GoogleMap ]
TEL +81-92-410-9316¡¡FAX +81-92-410-9317
Auction Site Tomakomai 42, Harumicho, Tomakomai-shi, Hokkaido, 059-1374, Japan
[ MAP ][ GoogleMap ]
TEL +81-144-82-7166¡¡FAX +81-144-82-7166
Kobe branch office 420-2 Tamatsucho Mitani, Nishi-ku, Kobe City, 651-2121, Hyogo-ken, Japan
[ MAP ][ GoogleMap ]
TEL +81-78-920-8258¡¡FAX +81-78-914-0178
Banks with Transactions Mizuho Bank, Mitsuisumitomo Bank, Risona Bank, Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank
Contractor Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. Sumitomo (S.H.I.) Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Kato Works Co., Ltd. KOBELCO Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. Komatsu Co., Ltd. Sakai Caterpiller INC.
TOYOUMPANKI Co., Ltd. (TCM) Ishikawajima Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. Tadano Co., Ltd.
Export Areas and Clients Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, the Phillippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand, Britain,
Greece, Belgium, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Canada, the United States, South Africa
1999 JPY 7.0 Billion
2000 JPY 6.3 Billion
2001 JPY 6.2 Billion
2002 JPY 6.9 Billion
2003 JPY 7.6 Billion
2004 JPY 7.8 Billion
2005 JPY 7.6 Billion
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